Fundamentals of medical training and life safety

The Department of “Fundamentals of medical training and life safety” of the faculty of medicine of TNU was founded in 2009 on the basis of the department of medical training and civil defense. The first head of the department was S.E. Kolyuzhnaya (1982-1988), after which it was headed by M.U. Bobokalonova (1972-1988), R.R. Karimova (1988-1992), G.M. Alieva (1992-1995), M.U. Bobokalonova (1995-2006), senior teacher Umarova M.K. (2006-2007), associate professor Kadirova R.R. (2008-2009). In 2009-2014 the head of the department was appointed candidate of pharmaceutical sciences, associate professor R. K. Yasinov. From September 2014 to September 2020, the department was headed by candidate of medical sciences, associate professor Arofat Radzhabovna Akhmedova. From September 2020 to the present, the department is headed by a candidate in physics and mathematics. Sciences, Associate Professor Gafurov Safarkhon Jurakhonovich.

Scientific activities of the department

The department teaches the following disciplines: “Civil Defense”, “Fundamentals of Medical Training”, “Medical Psychology”, “History of Medicine”, “Pharmaceutical Hygiene” at all faculties of the university in three languages: Tajik, Russian and English.

Academic disciplines:

• Civil defense;

• Fundamentals of medical training;

• Medical psychology;

• History of medicine;

• Pharmaceutical hygiene.

Personnel of the department staff

Gafurov Safarkhon Jurakhonovich

Position: Head of Department

Academic title: associate professor

Academic degree: candidate of physics and mathematics sci.

Main directions of scientific work:

Physics of polymers, high molecular weight compounds – 06.00.02

Awards and honorary titles:

Excellence in Education and Science of Tajikistan dated March 15, 2023 No. 277

Certificate of honor from the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Tajikistan – 2099

Brief information:

Date of birth: March 19, 1972

 Higher education

1989-1994, Faculty of Physics, Tajik State University (present TNU)

Defense of the candidate’s dissertation:

In 2017, he defended his thesis on the topic: “Photo- and photomechanical destruction of polyethylene terephthalate and polystyrene under the influence of monochromatic UV irradiation.” Candidate’s thesis Gafurova S. J. recognized by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation No. 1141/NK-23, and on November 29, 2017 he was awarded the academic degree of Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.

Labor and teaching activities:

1995-1998 – teacher of the radio communication cycle of the military department of TSU.

April 1998 – November 1998 – senior lecturer in the radio communication cycle of the military department of TNU.

1998 – 2009 – Head of the radio communication cycle of the military department of the TSNU.

2009-2011, head of the military department of the Tajik Physical Education Institute named after S. Rakhimov.

2012-2014 – Assistant of the Department of OMP and MG TNU.

2014-2018 – Senior Lecturer at the Department of Medical Electronics, TNU.

2018-2020 – Head of the Department of Medical Electronics, TNU.

From 2020 to the present – head of the department of weapons of mass destruction and safety at TNU.

Other information about the employee:

He is the author of more than 60 scientific articles and theses published in domestic and foreign journals, including journals of the SCOPUS platform, and presented at international conferences, as well as 2 textbooks, 2 scientific monographs, 8 teaching aids and 2 teaching aids.

The Higher Attestation Commission took into account the fruitful activity of Safarkhan Jurakhonovich Gafurov and, by order No. 269/ui dated 10/04/2021, awarded him the academic title of associate professor in the direction of “Physics”.

Akhmedova Arofat Radzhabovna

Position: associate professor of the department

Academic title: associate professor

Academic degree: candidate of medical sciences 

Main directions of scientific work:

Studying the level of food additives in foods in the diet of students.

Scientific activity: “Hygiene – 02.14.01”

Awards and honorary titles:

1. Excellent Student of Health Care of the Republic of Tajikistan

2. Excellent student of education and science of the Republic of Tajikistan

3. Certificate of honor from the Committee on Youth Affairs of the Republic of Tatarstan

4. Certificate of honor from the Committee on Women and Family Affairs under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan

Brief information:

Date of birth: 02.05.1963

 Higher education:

1980-1986 – faculty of pediatrics, TSMI named after  Abuali ibn Sino.

Scientific activity: “Hygiene 14.02.01”

Defense of the candidate’s dissertation:

In 1998 she defended her PhD thesis on the topic: “Sanitary and physiological assessment of working conditions during major repairs of construction mechanisms.”

In 2005, he was awarded the academic title of associate professor in general hygiene (No. 2151/973-D series DC No. 010753).

Labor and teaching activities:

In 1980 she entered the pediatric faculty of TSMU named after Abuali ibn Sino. After graduating from university in 1986, she was hired as a senior laboratory assistant at the Department of Histology.

From 1986 to 1989 she worked as an assistant at the department of histology.

From 1989 to 2005, she worked as an assistant and then as a senior lecturer at the department of general hygiene at Abuali Ibn Sino Tajik State Medical University.

From 2001 to 2007, she was appointed deputy dean for educational work of senior courses;

From 2007 to 2008, deputy dean of students studying under the Presidential Quota;

From 2008 to 2009, she was the chairman of the student youth organization of TSMU named after Abuali ibn Sino;

From 2009 to 2011, she worked as the chairman of the women’s council of the Abuali ibn Sino Tajik State Medical University;

From 2005 to 2011, she worked as an associate professor at the department of hygiene and ecology at Abuali Ibn Sino Tajik State Medical University;

2011-2014 — associate professor of the department of basic medical training and civil defense, faculty of medicine and pharmacy, TNU,

2014-2015 – acting as head of the department of basic medical training and civil defense of the medical and pharmaceutical faculty of TNU.

2015-2020 head of the department of basic medical training and civil defense of the medical faculty of TNU.

From 2020 to the present, he has been working as an associate professor at the department of fundamentals of medical training and life safety at TNU.

 Other information about the employee:

Author of more than 130 scientific articles and works published in various domestic and foreign journals. Akhmedova A.R. 4 textbooks and 10 teaching aids and 20 recommendations for conducting practical classes in the subjects “Pharmaceutical Hygiene”, “First Aid”, “General Hygiene” and “Fundamentals of medical training” were also published.

  1. “Общая гигиена” (2008 с.), 520 сањ; /Бабаев А.Б., Максудова З.Я., Хасанов Ф.Дж. /-Душанбе. Типография ТГМУ. Проспект Рудаки, 139. 2008 год.
  2. “Гигиенаи фарматсевтї”. /Болшаков А.М., Хасанов Ф.Љ., Саидов Н.Б., Уралов З.Т./-Душанбе, Нашриёти “Истеъдод”. Њиёбони Рудакї 2016 сол.-559 сањ
  3. “Общая гигиена” Хасанов Ф.Љ., Њомидова Т.М., Уралов З.Т./-Душанбе, Нашриёти “Истеъдод”. Њиёбони Рудакї 36. 2018 сол.-450 сањ.
  4. Китоби дарсї “Гигиенаи умумї” Њиёбони Рудакї 36. (2020 с.), 469 сањ.

Mulloev Vaisiddin Saifiddinovich

Position: senior lecturer of the department

Main directions of scientific work:

Studying the level of food additives in foods in the diet of students.

Awards and honorary titles:

Excellence in Education and Science Tajikistan

Brief information:

Date of birth: 24.06.1967.


1992-1997 Faculty of Sports Tajik Physical Education Institute named after S. Rakhimov.

Labor and teaching activities:

1984-1986 worked as an auto mechanic at the Dushanbe motor transport enterprise.

1986-1988 – Serviceman in the ranks of the USSR Armed Forces,

1988-1989 – worked as an auto mechanic in a Dushanbe motor transport company.

1990-2004 was an ordinary employee of the Security Committee of the Republic of Tajikistan in various departments.

2006-2008 – Deputy security department of the Tajik Pedagogical University named after S. Aini

2008-2009 – Director for economic and social affairs of the branch of the Tajik Pedagogical University named after S. Aini in the Rasht region.

From 2009 to the present, senior lecturer at the department of basic medical training and life safety.

Other information about the employee:

Yusufov Sharif Fayzievich

Position: department assistant

Main directions of scientific work:

Studying the level of food additives in foods in the diet of students.

Awards and honorary titles:

Certificate of honor from the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Tajikistan

Excellence in Education and Science Tajikistan

Brief information:

Date of birth: 17.01.1966


1986-1991 – faculty of geology, Tajik State University (present TNU)

Labor and teaching activities:

1991-1993 – institute of geological scientific research of the Academy of sciences of Tajikistan.

1993-1998 – teacher of the special training cycle of the military department of the TSNU.

1998-2000 – senior teacher of the special training cycle of the military department of TNU.

2000-2008 – head of the educational unit, deputy head of the military department of TNU.

2008-2015 – deputy head of the Military Education Department of the Directorate of Personnel and Military Education of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Tajikistan.

2015-2020 – head of the combined arms training cycle of the Tajik State Medical University named after Abuali ibn Sino.

From September 2021 to the present, assistant at the department of basic medical training and life safety, Faculty of Medicine, TNU.

Other information about the employee:

Kholmonov Muhammad Musulmonovich

Position: department assistant

Main directions of scientific work:

Studying the level of food additives in foods in the diet of students.

Awards and honorary titles:

Date of birth: 02.22.1993

  Higher education

2006 – 2011 Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, Tajik National University

Labor and teaching activities:

2016-2019 laboratory assistant at the department of medical electronics, faculty of medicine, National University of Tajikistan.

2019 – 2020 – assistant at the department of medical electronics, faculty of medicine, National University of Tajikistan.

From 2020 to the present, assistant at the department of basics of medical training and life safety, faculty of medicine, TNU.

Other information about the employee:



on the activities of the department of basic medical training and life safety of the Tajik National University for the 2022-2023 academic year

In the 2022-2023 academic year, the department, in accordance with the approved curriculum, fully fulfills the assigned tasks for the academic year. In the scientific direction, on the topic “Studying the level of food additives in foods in the diet of students,” according to the plan, scientific research is being conducted, and based on the results of the research, scientific articles are published in domestic and foreign journals. Teachers of the department participated in international and republican conferences.

In the reporting year, the successes and achievements of the department’s teachers in the field of methodology, education and science are summarized as follows:

14 scientific, educational and methodological works have been published: including 2 textbooks, 2 study guides and 3 teaching aids in Russian, Tajik and English, 8 scientific articles and theses in materials of international and republican conferences, 1 collection of training programs for all department subjects and curricula in all subjects in the relevant languages.

Educational and teaching aids

  1. Ахмедова А.Р., Ѓафуров С.Љ., Холмонов М.М., Ѓафурова С.С. “Оказание первой помощи” методические рекомендации к практическим занятиям по предмету  основы медицинской подготовки для студентов 2-3  курсов всех  факультетов ТНУ. Душанбе. 2022.-с.71
  2. Ахмедова А.Р, Зарипова М.М., Гафурова С.С., Холикова Б.Ю. «Основы медицинской подготовки» (учебное пособие) Душанбе.2023.-250с.
  3. Gafurov S.J., Akhmedova A.R., Kholiqova B.Yu. «Basics of medical training» (Teaching aid)  (учебное пособие) Душанбе.2023.-273с.
  4. Ахмедова А.Р., Зарипова М.М., Эгамова Ш.Б., Гафурова С.С. Медицинская психология. Учебное пособие для студентов медицинских факультетов и медицинских вузов.Душанбе. 2023. 175с.
  5. Gafurov S. J., Akhmedova A. R., Kholiqova B.Gafurovа S. S.Methodological recommendations for practical classes on the subject of the basis of medical training.Dushanbe.2023. -109 р.
  6. Табаров Н., Мањмадалиев С., Юсуфов Ш. Инро бояд њама донанд (Муњофизат аз офатњои табиї ва техногенї, ќисми 2) дастурамал барои корњои амалї аз фанни мудофиаи гражданї. Душанбе.2023. 126с.

The following articles were published in the area of research

work for the reporting year:

1. Гафуров С.Д., Юсуфов Ш.Ф., Гафурова С.С. Воздействие лазерного излучения на живые биологические объекты // Международный научно-практический журнал Endless light in science, Алматы, Казахстан, 10 Сентября 2022. – С. 142-146. DOI 10.24412/2709-1201-2022-143-147

  2.Гафуров С.Дж. Влияние комплекса [ReO(OH)L2Cl2]  на светостойкость ацетилцеллюлозы // Международная конференция на тему “Роль физики в развитии науки, просвещения и инновации”, посвященной  “20-летию изучения и развитие естественных, точных и математических наук в сфере науки и образования (2020-2040)” и 80-летию памяти Заслуженного деятеля науки и техники  Таджикистана, члена-корреспондента Национальной академии наук Таджикистана, доктор физико-математических наук Бобоева Т.Б. (27.10.2022г.). –с.26-30.

3.Гафуров С. Дж. Влияние комплекса рения (V) на светостабилизацию ацетилцеллюлозы // ДНАН РТ, 2022 -№5-6, Т.65. -С.352-358.

4. Гафуров С. Дж. Влияние УФ-света разной длины волны на кинетику фотомеханической деструкции диацетатцеллюлозы // ДНАН РТ, 2022 -№7-8, Т.65. -С.501-505.

5.Ѓафуров С.Љ., Гафурова С.С., Ахмедова А.Р. Тањлили ѓизои донишљўёни факултети тиббии донишгоњи миллии Тољикистон // Международный научно-практический журнал Endless light in science, Алматы, Казахстан, 17 декабря 2022. – С. 60-65. 

6.Гафуров С.Д., Гафурова С.С., Юсуфов Ш.Ф., Ахмедова А.Р. Исследование рационального питания студенческой молодежи // Проблемы науки. Москва. 2023. -№ 1 (75). – С.74-77

7. Ѓафурова С.С., Ахмедова А.Р., Уралов З.Т., Холмонов М. М., Муллоев В.С.

Таъсири майдонњои электрикии табиї ва сунъї ба организмњо // Наука и инновация.2023. №3. –с.63-70.

8. Gafurov S. J.,Rajabzoda Ph.К. Natural disasters in Tajikistan and measures to prevent and eliminate them (塔吉克斯坦的自然灾害及其预防和消除措施) // International Conference “Scientific research of the SCO countries: synergy and integration” Part 2. September 8, 2023. Beijing, PRC. –Рр 163-166.

Taking into account the requirements of modern society and science, the department is doing a lot of work to attract experienced and practical specialists, strengthening the mutual participation of teachers in each other’s classes, organizing open and exemplary classes with the participation of experienced and experienced teachers, round tables and constantly attended seminars on various aspects of science and training. It is important to note that the department’s reporting year is very significant both academically and educationally and can generally be assessed positively.

Staff of the department

Currently, the department employs 6 staff teachers and 6 part-timers. Currently, the main teachers of the department are the following persons.

1. Gafurov Safarkhon Jurakhonovich – candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor, head of the department;

2. Akhmedova Arofat Radzhabovna – candidate of medical sciences, associate professor of the department;

3. Mulloev Vaisiddin Sayfiddinovich – senior lecturer of the department

4. Kholmonov Muhammadjon Musulmonovich – assistant of the department

5. Yusufov Sharif Fayzievich – assistant of the department

Research work at the department

The department carries out research work on the topic “Studying the level of food additives in the diet of students” under the leadership of Associate Professor Gafurov S.J., which involves all the teachers of the department, and based on the results of research work, scientific articles and theses are published in domestic and foreign journals.

During the reporting period, the department held scientific seminars, as well as round tables with the participation of teachers and students of the department.

Including Associate Professor Gafurov S.J. spoke at the international conference on the topic “The role of physics in the development of science, education and innovation”, dedicated to “Twenty years of training and development of natural, exact and mathematical disciplines in the field of science and education (2020-2040). )” (Dushanbe 10/27/2022).); teachers Mulloev V.S. and Yusufov Sh.F. spoke at the republican conference on the topic “The impact of climate change on the occurrence of natural emergencies” (Dushanbe.2022).

Teachers of the department regularly publish their scientific articles in domestic and foreign scientific journals, such as “Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan”, “Science and Innovation” TNU, international scientific and practical journal Endless light in science, Kazakhstan, Alma-Ata (September-2022 , December-2022), international scientific and practical journal” Problems of Science (Moscow, 2023); International Conference “Scientific research of the SCO countries: synergy and integration” Beijing. China. September 2023г.

The department regularly holds a seminar for teachers of the department, at which demonstration classes are regularly held according to a specific approved plan: for example, this year by associate professor Gafurov S.J., associate professor Akhmedova A.R., senior lecturer. Mulloev V.S. and assistant Yusufov Sh.F. trainings were conducted.

Scientific community of students

At the department of fundamentals of medical training and life safety, the scientific community of students “Heirs of Sino” has been functioning since the first years of its creation. The scientific community, under the leadership of associate professor Gafurov S.J., holds meetings once every month with the participation of students and in accordance with the approved plan, bringing their reports to teachers and students.

Educational work

Teachers of the department of fundamentals of medical training and life safety” of the faculty of medicine, along with fulfilling their teaching load, make a great contribution to the education of students. Each teacher of the department is assigned academic groups, in which teachers conduct educational classes once a week and give various recommendations on the effectiveness of their work and activities.

Participation in social, entertainment and cultural events of the university.